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August 30, 2008
August 26, 2008
Pitbull - Anti War Music
Miami's own Pitbull is using his fame and skills to promote an anti-war message. He even tosses in a jab or two against Castro and Che Guevara. Being that Pitbull is anti-war and anti-communist one can only conclude that his political views are in the land of libertarianism. Is Pitbull a classical liberal? Lets hope he keeps this sort of music coming because he can really influence alot of kids and hopefully keep them from joining the Army and participating in these useless wars.
August 25, 2008
Gasoline prices haven't changed in 45 years!
If you are paying for your gasoline in American Dollars, essentially fake fiat paper notes backed by bullshit, then the price of gasoline is eating you alive in the last few years. But since 1995 check out how the price of Gold has also gone up (if you are paying for it in US Dollars / per ounce):
Price of Gold:
Now check out how the price of Gasoline has risen in the same amount of time.
Price of Gasoline per Gallon:
The price of Gold and the price of Gasoline have nearly risen identically in the last 10 years! If you were buying gasoline for $1.40 a gallon in 2000 and buying an ounce of gold for about $275 a ounce as well then multiply both by 3 and in 2008 you are still getting gasoline for $4 a gallon and gold for about $800 an ounce.
If our money was backed by gold and silver, then since 2000, the price of a gallon of gasoline HAS NOT CHANGED!
Why? Lets check out the value of a US dollar since 2000:
Value of the US Dollar:
It pretty much tanked by the same amount. Its chart is going in the opposite direction of both gold and gasoline. God isn't making any more gold, silver and gasoline. All that was deposited on Earth is already here. But the Federal reserve is printing up more dollars and "watering down" their value everyday.
If this is not good enough then lets take it back 45 years ago:
That [1960's] quarter came close to paying for a gallon of gas that year – the average price per gallon was 30 cents. And the 1963 (or earlier) quarter was, shall we say, sturdier than today’s version: 90 percent silver, 10 percent copper. Today’s quarters, according to the U.S. Mint, “are ‘clad,’ which means layered. The inner core is pure copper and the outer covering is copper mixed with nickel.”
A quarter weighs about a fifth of an ounce. At today’s silver price of around $18 per ounce, the 1963 quarter had the equivalent of today’s $3.24 of silver in it. Thus, silver essentially buys the same amount of gasoline today that it did 45 years ago.
Our American money is a scam. Obama talks about change but he's not mentioning the REAL root of the problem. The whole system is a scam and Barack Obama is only putting lipstick on the pig.
Start adding a few silver and gold coins to your savings if you want to stay ahead of the never ending federal counterfeiting scheme!
*Note: Don't take investment advice from any blogger without doing your own research first. Peace!
Labels: Federal Reserve, money, Obama
August 18, 2008
Hate, hate, hate!

A while back I created an image of Silky Johnson, the player hater of the year on Dave Chappelle's haters ball skit. I was making a point that the average Republican Bush-worshiping jerk nut is about as much of a hater as Silky Johnson was. His famous acceptance speech for being hater of the year was:
I hate you.
I hate you.
I don't even know you... and I hate your guts.
I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else, but you!
That's pretty much how many republicans operate. They hate Muslims, they hate Iraqis, they hate liberals, they hate gays, they hate the Chinese, they hate immigrants, they hate peace-nics, they hate reason and independent thought, and they hate etc.. Hate, hate, hate, hate! Bush should be the hater of the year. Until then enjoy this design on some t-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, fridge magnets and more!
Labels: Chico Gear, dave chappelle, George W. Bush
August 15, 2008
1913: Worst. Year. Ever.

1913: Worst. Year. Ever. We continue to have endless wars, boom and bust economic cycles, inflation, tyranny, fascism, etc. It all really get ugly in 1913, and this design
points out why. 1) The federal reserve was created 2) The 16th amendment reinstated the federal income tax 3) the 17th amendment killed states rights with the direct election of senators and 4) President Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated. Wilson of course was the jackass who signed the federal reserve act into existence and he can directly be blamed for causing WWI and WWII (look it up!)
If you can't stand the Bush Crime Family then learn your history. 1913 was a turning point for the neocons that paved the way for America's violent empire.
Oh yeah, plus 13 is an unlucky number.
Labels: Chico Gear, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Federal Reserve, Federalism
August 01, 2008
Ron Paul body slams Congress

Statement before the US House of Representatives, July 30, 2008, on H. RES. 1370, Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens
Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to this resolution, which is yet another meaningless but provocative condemnation of China. It is this kind of jingoism that has led to such a low opinion of the United States abroad. Certainly I do not condone human rights abuses, wherever they may occur, but as Members of the US House of Representatives we have no authority over the Chinese government. It is our Constitutional responsibility to deal with abuses in our own country or those created abroad by our own foreign policies. Yet we are not debating a bill to close Guantanamo, where abuses have been documented. We are not debating a bill to withdraw from Iraq, where scores of innocents have been killed, injured, and abused due to our unprovoked attack on that country. We are not debating a bill to reverse the odious FISA bill passed recently which will result in extreme abuses of Americans by gutting the Fourth Amendment.
Instead of addressing these and scores of other pressing issues over which we do have authority, we prefer to spend our time criticizing a foreign government over which we have no authority and foreign domestic problems about which we have very little accurate information.
I do find it ironic that this resolution “calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China to begin earnest negotiations, without preconditions, directly with His Holiness the Dalai Lama or his representatives.” For years US policy has been that no meeting or negotiation could take place with Iran until certain preconditions are met by Iran. Among these is a demand that Iran cease uranium enrichment, which Iran has the right to do under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is little wonder why some claim that resolutions like this are hypocritical.
Instead of lecturing China, where I have no doubt there are problems as there are everywhere, I would suggest that we turn our attention to the very real threats in a United States where our civil liberties and human rights are being eroded on a steady basis. The Bible cautions against pointing out the speck in a neighbor’s eye while ignoring the log in one’s own. I suggest we contemplate this sound advice before bringing up such ill-conceived resolutions in the future.
'Nuff said!
Labels: Constitution, Iraq, Police State, Ron Paul