April 29, 2007

Must See TV: Why Hillary is full of Shit!

My mind has been made up for a long time about Hillary Clinton. She's full of shit whenever she tries to justify her vote for authorizing force against Iraq. She allowed congress to piss away it's constitutional authority to wage war and placed it squarely in the hands of the Bush Crime Family.

Fuck Hillary!

I still wish Russ Feingold would have ran for president... but I do understand why he decided to remain in the senate instead.

Check out this PBS special highlighting how the media fell for the lies that led us to this disastrous war. Surprising, even to me, was how many reporters were highly skeptical of the propaganda and how often their articles were buried and ignored. The facts were out there and the opposition did exist. I had no idea that many, including Senator Kennedy, expressed their doubts publicly and gave warnings of how this adventure in Iraq would be disastrous. I guess I wasn't paying much attention back then.

Again, Hillary should have known better. We pay these congress critters to stay up on these things and do what's best for our country. Fuck her and fuck these rat bastards who fed us this propaganda and the plate full of lies that has lead to so much death and destruction.

Watch the PBS special and you'll see why I'm so angry. Peace!

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April 27, 2007

They did what?

What's up with these suspicious drills?
On Feb. 24, the White House conducted a highly publicized drill to test responses to IEDs going off simultaneously in ten American cities. The White House has not disclosed the details of how the feds will respond, but it would be out of character for this president to let new powers he sought to gather dust. There is nothing more to prevent a president from declaring martial law on a pretext than there is to prevent him from launching a war on the basis of manufactured intelligence. And when the lies become exposed years later, it could be far too late to resurrect lost liberties.

Wasn't there a "drill" being conducted on the morning to 9/11 and some days prior?

With the power to declare martial law squarely in the hands of the Bush Crime Family, I don't doubt that their palms are itching to use it. Vigilance!

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April 03, 2007

Catch a DIU from eating Bread?

Yes you can:

In other words, alcohol-free subjects who consumed bread or soft drinks were causing the machines to read up to .05% blood alcohol concentrations (readings are rounded off to closest 1/100th percentile). Furthermore, the slope detection system failed to screen the effects of mouth alcohol from alcohol coming from the lungs:

It is evident from these results that the slope detector feature was unable to distinguish mouth-alcohol concentrations at these very low levels.

What caused bread to register on breath machines as alcohol? The theory of the state lab’s experts:

Most baked products with listed contents indicating they contained yeast did in fact have some alcohol present. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation process in yeasts by their action on simple sugars used in preparing the dough….Although most of the alcohol in the dough is lost during the baking process, some is evidently retained in the matrix of the bread…

The state keeps trying to find new ways to crack down on human behaviour using robots, machines, and camera. Crime, Punishment, Justice... these are flexible terms that have changed over the years in our society. We need more than just reasonable minds to figure out how to run our justice system. But these new methods of allowing computers to determine who committed a crime opens the door for innocent people to get shitted on by the system.

Those stupid red-light traffic cameras are the same way. When it comes to DIU, speeding, and traffic laws it always feels like the state care more about taxing and raising revenue than actually trying to keep the streets safe.


April 02, 2007

9/11 Clues: Bush Knew

Read this funny (but depressing) quiz about President Chimpy's track record while in office. From one of the quiz responses you discover these nuggets of info...

July 26 2001:
n response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.

"There was a threat assessment and there are guidelines. He is acting under the guidelines," an FBI spokesman said. Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, however, would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it.

Also from July 18 2001:
The head of Russia's Federal Bodyguard Service has warned of a plot by terrorist Osama bin Laden to assassinate George W. Bush at the summit and the U.S. President may be staying at U.S. Camp Darby military base in Livorno or offshore on the American aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise to avoid any terrorist risk.

Those fuckers all knew! Its undeniable by the amount of evidence that is out there. The Bush Crime Family stood to gain the most from this attack. All of these dumb-fuck statists who call themselves "Conservatives" fed right into the PATRIOT ACT bullshit. Now that the Democrats run congress, why are they too cowardly to end the war and bring the troops home immediately? This national nightmare all started out by the negligent homicide of hundreds of Americans on 9/11.

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