February 28, 2008

Annoy Republican Passangers

I might be late on this one but it can be used for all annoying passangers, not just the war-mongering and fear-prone Republicans:

Stuck on a plane next to somebody that is constantly irritating you? Follow these simple instructions:

1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.

2. Remove your laptop.

3. Hit the power button and log on.

4. Make sure the irritating person can clearly see your screen.

5. Close your eyes and tilt your head up towards the sky.

6. Move your lips as if praying.

7. Hit this link


February 16, 2008

The HNIC got love for Ron Paul

Prodigy the H.N.I.C. from the Em-Oh-Be-Be shows us why so many hip hopers not only support Obama but Ron Paul too. I've shown many friends of mine how Paul's ideas and policies would go further to secure our liberties than anything Obama has ever proposed. Go ahead and open Ron Paul's policy page and Obama's Policy page in Firefox using two tabs and compare them, side-by-side.

Its beautify to see such a legendary emcee see through the media's bullshit and show love for Ron Paul.

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February 08, 2008

The coming collapse of the United States

Here's an incredible article detailing the progress in Vermont's secessionist movement. But the real kicker comes at the end:

...drawing a dark comparison between the Soviet Union and the United States: There is the same far-flung geography. The same corporate socialism that defies free markets. The same spread of influence worldwide through violence, murder, and pillage. The same stunted public discourse. The same electoral sclerosis in the legislature (Congress is almost as stable in membership as the Politburo). "No one in the Soviet Union in 1960 or 1970 or even 1980 found it imaginable that someday it would collapse," says Naylor. So, too, he says, is our certainty today in the stability of the United States of America.

If Ron Paul does not win the 2008 election will the US empire meet the same fate as the Soviet empire? If Vermont did peacefully succeed from the union would they be met with the same violence that the Confederate states suffered?

If you want real change in 2008 its time to learn a bit of history, unless we're doomed to repeat it with a McCain or Clinton presidency.

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February 06, 2008

Ron Paul Revolution Report Card

As of Super Tuesday here are Ron Paul's national results:
North Dakota:2,08221%53rd

With the other states, so far, Ron Paul garnered about less than 10% of the vote while placing 4th or lower. In these top races, with Paul snatching up close to 20% of the vote in a 4-way race you can see that he's got a powerful base of support that made a difference in the primaries. Had the races not all been "winner take all" you'd see Ron Paul banking more delegates.

So far these results are more than I expected from the Republicans but I'm not surprised either. Remember, this is the party that nominated and supported the Bush Crime Family: twice! Ron Paul even got booed at some Republican event for mentioning that Jesus was known as the Prince of Peace. He got booed for that!

The fight for liberty and peace was a tough one from the start. The D.C. sewer and the Military Industrial Gravy Train will not go down without a fight either. We're succeeding at waking up our fellow citizens this year. We now have a stronger foundation than ever before and have many successes that we will continue to build on.

I pray that Ron Paul will get some speaking time at the GOP convention in St. Paul and continue to stir up more support for our cause.

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February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday Ron Paul BlackOut!

Ron Paul, the candidate who broke John Kerry's all-time single day fund raising record, beat Guliani at every turn in the primaries, out fund raised his opponents in the 3rd quarter, damn near won or finished strong in the Louisiana, Nevada, and Maine contests... and yet still if you ask the two major South Florida News Papers... he's not even running.

Two newspapers, two publishers, two different markets, the same media bias.

The photos of today's front pages tell it all. For those of you who want to vote for change you can clearly see that Ron Paul must have struck a real nerve with the establishment if he's caused this widespread reaction.

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