November 27, 2006

Heckuva Joke!

President George W. Bush is visiting an elementary school, and he visits one of the 4th grade classes. The students and their teacher are in the middle of a discussion about words and their meanings. The teacher asks the President if he would like to lead the class in a discussion of the word "tragedy, " so the president asks the class for an example of a tragedy.

One little boy stands up and offers, "If my best friend, who lives next door, is playing in the street and a car comes along and runs him over, that would be a tragedy."

"No" says Bush, "that would be an accident."

A little girl raises her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone involved, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not" explains the President. "That's what we would call a GREAT LOSS."

The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. President Bush searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"

Finally, way in the back of the room, a boy named Johnny raises his hand. In a quiet voice he says, "If Air Force One, carrying you and Mrs. Bush, was struck by a missile and blown up to smithereens, that would be a tragedy."

"Correct" exclaims Bush, "that's right. And can you tell me WHY that would be a tragedy?"

"Well," Lil' Johnny said, "because, like you just told us, it wouldn't be an accident, and it sure as hell wouldn't be a great loss."

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A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

Want to sniff cement and ammonia? That's your problem.

Want militarized police in ski-masks invading your home? That's every one's problem.

The War on Drugs is ineffective, expensive, and destructive. Here's another reason why!

By the way, check out this PDF with a detailed study on the failure of the "war on drugs" that also offers a logical and economically sound solution that does NOT involve prohibition.

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November 16, 2006

"Here's your Fucking Patriot Act"

From Crooks and Liars, this is a video of a student at ACLU being tasered and abused by the campus police for NOT having his student ID at the Library. The rent-a-cops made the situation worse by tasering him and abusing their power.

For those who still haven't realized that the REAL ID act is a piece of shit, this video might wake you up a bit. With nationalized IDs the cops will mandate that you carry your ID at all times... or else.

Remember, the govenment does this for your protection.

Fuck them! Click here to demand that this new congress repeal the REAL ID act.

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The Chinese Taliban - CurrentTV

A real fucked up story. Again, why we should fight for civil liberties no matter who's is affected, it could be YOU next!

November 15, 2006

The tortured President

Gotta love cartoons!

Republicans hate Immigrants, Republicans hate justice!

Just plain hateful:

Immigrants arrested in the United States may be held indefinitely on suspicion of terrorism and may not challenge their imprisonment in civilian courts, the Bush administration said Monday, opening a new legal front in the fight over the rights of detainees.

In court documents filed with the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., the Justice Department said a new anti-terrorism law being used to hold detainees in Guantanamo Bay also applies to foreigners captured and held in the United States.

Ali Saleh Kahlah Al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar, was arrested in 2001 while studying in the United States. He has been labeled an "enemy combatant," a designation that, under a law signed last month, strips foreigners of the right to challenge their detention in federal courts.

Again, this country was built by immigrants. Shutting the door on foreigners is like shitting on our own heritage. I even made a song about this issue. These assholes are practicing on immigrants their lawlessness and their kangaroo courts.

First they came after the Muslims, then the homosexuals, then they took rights away from poker players, now they target the immigrants... don't you see the pattern? There are plenty of other victims of these fascists fuck-tards that I failed to mention but we can't allow any more members of our society to loose their rights and their liberty. You are delirious if you think they won't come after you next if you don't stand up now.

November 13, 2006

The ice is still thinning

Just a reminder, courtesy of CNN:

TORONTO, Ontario (Reuters) -- Aboriginal communities in Ontario's far north are becoming increasingly isolated as rising temperatures melt their winter route to the outside world and impede their access to supplies.

"The ice doesn't have its solid blue color anymore," said Stan Beardy, the grand chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents Ontario's remote First Nations. "It's more like Styrofoam now, really brittle."

"With the toxic waste moving north, and global warming, we don't have that solid ice anymore, and that's why we have problems with winter roads when it's mild."

Now that AL Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is coming out on DVD we better pass it around and keep the focus on this global issue. There's no excuse! From personal experience, I collect contless bags of recyclable materials that would have otherwise been sent to a landfill and take the time to make sure they don't. I also refuse to participate in funding the Big cattle industry that heavily pollutes for the sake of steak and burgers (read: I'm vegetarian). Like Ghandi said, "BE the change that you wish to see in the world".

It starts with you.

Being an example for change speaks louder than preaching for change. Change your life today, start recycling, conserving, and being conscious of the "footprint" you're leaving on this earth. Others will follow your lead, I guarantee it!

November 10, 2006


Aries Spears was raised in the Hip Hop culture and his talent shows it.

November 08, 2006

Relief... for now.

The Democrats cleaned out the Republicans for control of the House of Representatives and it smells like they will take the Senate also.

President Chimpy is forced to offer an "olive branch" to the newly elected majority because he knows his last 2 years will be hell.

Lets hope we can investigate and further expose the Bush Crime Family and rid our country of these fascist rat bastards.

November 03, 2006

Republican Corruption, all in one breath?

Ha ha! It's mind boggling isn't it?

November 01, 2006

Because of Iraq... Holy Shit!

Now THIS is how you do a political ad. Simple, to the point, and powerful. Go over to and give 'em a buck or two so they can run this Ad 'till the Republicans shit themselves (if they haven't already).