January 28, 2007

Fuck the War!!!

Why we should pull out (according to Ronald Ray-Gun's former General):

Why you should NEVER join the armed forces now that the Military Industrial Congressional Complex has a poisonous influence on our government.

Why Iraq is a mess in the first place (and it aint Bush's incompetence).

Iran is next, the Marine Corps Times reports on how we're deliberately going out of our way to provoke Iran. Also, here is further proof that the Bush Crime Family wants to bomb the shit out of Iran, no matter what congress says.

Sadly, I have a close friend who is leaving for Marine Corp bootcamp next week. I wish her and all the service men/women the best. We'll do our best here at home to stop the nonesense and get you home safely.

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January 23, 2007

No espik inglis my fren!

Your Linguistic Profile:
50% General American English
30% Yankee
15% Dixie
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

Too bad they didn't quiz me on how much spanglish I use. The American English dialect itself is a mash-up of words taken from Spanish, German, French, Latin, and other weird languages. Shit, even Spanish has words that came from English like "parqueo" meaning parking lot instead of saying "estacionamiento", both the same thing, "parqueo" has fewer syllables and it rolls off the tongue better. In all languages we tend to borrow from another if they can get our ideas out with minimal effort.

So when those racist Republicans cry about forcing English on immigrants just remind them that English 'aint as pure as the white man paint it to be. Just live and let live, preserve liberty and the rest 'gone sort itself out.


January 22, 2007

Leaning towards Richardson for President...

Nuff' said:

Gov. Richardson's resume speaks for itself: a two-term governor of New Mexico, a key battleground state; a seven-term congressman; a former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under Bill Clinton; a former Secretary of Energy under Bill Clinton; and a former chairman of the Democratic Governors' Association. He has executive, legislative and international experience, all essential ingredients for a successful president.

Richardson, as the only Hispanic contender, has the greatest chance of instituting immigration reform (he supports comprehensive immigration reform), he can win the Hispanic vote in swing states such as Florida and he can attract Republican moderate crossover voters. He has clout in energy policy, as the former energy secretary and proponent of alternate fuels to help solve America's oil dependency. He has cut taxes and expanded jobs in New Mexico and enjoys the libertarian Cato Institute's top ranking of any Democrat for fiscal and economic policy. Also, he would dominate New Mexico in any national election, a state that tilted toward Bush in 2004. Richardson's regional notoriety could shift Colorado and Arizona, both competitive Bush-leaning states.

Since Senator Russ Feingold (the only candidate I would have bent over backwards to get elected) announced he wasn't running I haven't seen any other Democratic candidate worth taking serious. Clinton, Obama, Edwards... nah, I'm not too excited (for various reason that I might explain latter). Still, (with the exception of Clinton) I'd vote for any Democrat over ANY Republican (with the exception of Ron Paul). I'm glad to see there's finally a candidate who I'd consider advocating for in the upcoming elections: Bill Richardson.

I'll admit that I don't know too much about Bill Richardson at this point, but based and what's out there he's more qualified and experienced for handling the executive branch than the gang of senators who are seeking the presidency. Also, I checked out Bill's intro video in spanish and I'm glad to see a serious candidate who can articulate fluently en español. The Bush brothers piss me off when they speak their choppy-ass spanish. I also appreciate his respect for state's rights and his ability to negotiate with dictators and weirdos on an international level. A skill we desperately need after watching Dubya McChimpy and Secratary of State Chevron Rice diplomatically shit on just about everyone on earth.

Remember, we're not governed by angels and none of these candidates are saints, they all have their personal problems and potential downfalls. The best candidate for me is ultimately... me! Anyways... unless I find out otherwise, I'll say that Bill Richardson's the candidate I can tollerate the most. He's unfortunately a drug warrior, but I'll settle for that if it means Energy Independence becomes a top priority of the White House.

Still I know better than to depend on the federal government to solve my problems, much less the president.


January 18, 2007

War on Drugs: worse national policy since slavery

Ever since I discovered the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, I've been speaking about them to friends and family. Being former drug warriors themselves they are an important voice in correcting this horrible national policy. The video is incredible, especially the "institutional racism" part at the end. I've personally seen my fair share of this institutional racism at the hands of local police officers. Thank God we have law enforcement folks who are speaking out against this abuse of their power and trust. I hope you guys spread the word too.

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January 17, 2007

Excessive force: SWAT teams vs. Hip Hop

Aint this some bullshit!

Last night, a federal SWAT team assisted the RIAA in a raid on the studio of Atlanta musician DJ Drama.

This local news report says the locally famous mixtape DJ is under investigation for piracy. But Drama's supporters say the DJ is a mix artist, not a bootlegger. They say news footage of the raid shows RIAA officials boxing up only recordable CDs filled with mixes, not bootlegs of retail CDs (the local news reporter seems to conflate the two as well).

Assuming for a moment that RIAA and federal officials do indeed know the difference between a mash-up DJ and a bootleg operation, and that they did find evidence of actual piracy in the bust, there's still the problem of why RIAA officials were participating in a police action, and why a SWAT team was used to raid a professional studio under investigation for a nonviolent, white-collar crime.

Yeah, this is bullshit! I personally work with Interscope Records, Warner Brothers, G-Unit Records, and others in their street promotion efforts in Miami. I'll tell you first-hand, as will the average Hip Hop fan, that these major labels actively support (financially and cooperatively) DJ's who produce and distribute mix CDs, such as DJ Drama. The RIAA is out of hand and so is the use of a SWAT team. This is bullshit!

And you wonder why the police gets such a bad rap in the inner city.

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January 09, 2007

Pharoah unloads

Good to see Pharoah Monch back at it again with "Gun Draws", this video is sick. This is the power of Hip Hop when put to good use. Enjoy!


January 02, 2007

2007 predictions?

Sounds kinda ridiculous, but check these new years predictions out:
--In yet another case of government bureaucracy gone mad, some local health agency will insist that the churches and private homes where volunteers prepare food for homeless people pass rigorous, restaurant-standard health inspections or shut down operations.

The silly policy will be justified in the name of protecting the homeless when, in reality, it will really only lead to fewer homeless people getting fed.

--In a scenario straight out of George Orwell's "1984," several local governments will begin to encourage children to turn in their parents when the parents fail to abide by building and property code violations, such as mowing the grass, properly sorting recyclables, and similar mundanities.

--In an aptly striking display of the drug war's misplaced priorities, federal narcotics police will sit idly by while a government informant takes part in several drug-related murders. The reason for their inaction? It was more important to get information from the informant on drug dealing than preventing the killings.

--In other drug war news, when asked to explain how today's drug prohibition differs from the nation's failed attempt at alcohol prohibition in the 1920s, the nation's top drug cop will actually make the argument that alcohol prohibition was a success.

--A radio host in the nation's capital will play a hoax on his listeners, jokingly suggesting that all Muslims in America be identified with an armband or a tattoo. He will then express shock when a solid majority of callers to his show will express their agreement with the proposition.

--In Britain, where the Nanny State is even more aggressive than it is here in the U.S, a government health agency will insist that the company that makes the whimsically-named "Dragon Sausage" change the product's name, or pull it from the market.

The reason? Customers might be fooled into thinking the product contains actual dragon meat.

--Now that the federal government has made online gambling a crime, some state government will take things even further, and make writing about online gambling a crime.

--Some state that spends millions of dollars promoting its lottery will protect its monopoly on gambling by executing a man for the crime of wagering with his friends on football games.

--Having run out of things to tax, some state legislator will attempt to pass a law stating that any money left over on retail "gift cards" be forfeited to the state government.

--Taking the overuse of SWAT teams to new, un-parody-able levels, a federal SWAT team will raid a group of Tibetan monks touring the United States on a world peace mission.

--Some silly conservative will write a book blaming rap music and South Park for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

--A major U.S. magazine will riff on the obesity hysteria, and run a hoax article about the possibility of taxing fat people for their extra weight. The magazine will then get a significant amount of mail from people who support the idea.

--In a strategy pulled straight from the movie "Minority Report," police in some towns will start "pre-arresting" people for drunken driving.

--Not content with mere gun control, some local governments will begin to ban swords, too.

--After successfully pushing questionable science on the effects of secondhand smoke for decades, the public health movement will move on to their next hysteria: Secondhand drinking.

--Not content with micromanaging parents when it comes to bicycle helmets, car seats and any number of laws and regulations, some state legislator will get the idea that we should make kids who play soccer wear helmets.

--In the never-ending race to see which state can be toughest on sex offenders, one state will propose a public registry of people merely accused of sex crimes. They needn't be actually convicted, or even charged.

--In Great Britain, a country whose system of socialized medicine is commonly cited as something the U.S. should strive for, hospitals that defy the system and actually treat patients with some degree of haste and efficacy will be fined by the government for "overperforming."

--Two "public health" professionals will argue that what developing countries really need – places where people are starving and women still routinely die in childbirth – are policies like motorcycle helmet and seat belt laws.

Yeah, I know they all sound ridiculous but if you're apt to the news (or you clicked on a few links) you'd realize that these are things that ACTUALLY HAPPENED in 2006. It hard to predict what moronic ideas our governments and "law" enforcement officials will unleash in 2007. But as always... remain vigilant, tell a friend or two, and don't let 'em shit on our civil liberties if you can help it.
