June 26, 2007

Government Violence for Skateboarding

Sick bastards!

Choke Slamming a teenager for skateboarding. God knows what this government thug has up his ass that day when he decided to terrorize those skateboarders. Thankfully YouTube serves as the source for distributing new evidence of the Police State we're living in. You see why the politicians want to regulate the Internet, eventually they'll try to censor dissent and public oversight of these rat bastards.

Read why we need to protect a citizen's right to video tape and record Police Officers on duty! (Plus you'll see many other cases where video taping police brutality turns obvious "he said, she said" cases - in favor of the cop's word - into real justice for the victims of the brutality)


June 10, 2007

The FDA would have banned Ancient Egyptian medics

So it turns out that the Egyptians invented modern medicine (not the Greeks), check out these prescriptions:

The medical documents, which were first discovered in the mid-19th century, showed that ancient Egyptian physicians treated wounds with honey, resins and metals known to be antimicrobial.

The team also discovered prescriptions for laxatives of castor oil and colocynth and bulk laxatives of figs and bran. Other references show that colic was treated with hyoscyamus, which is still used today, and that cumin and coriander were used as intestinal carminatives.

Further evidence showed that musculo-skeletal disorders were treated with rubefacients to stimulate blood flow and poultices to warm and soothe. They used celery and saffron for rheumatism, which are currently topics of pharmaceutical research, and pomegranate was used to eradicate tapeworms, a remedy that remained in clinical use until 50 years ago.

"Many of the ancient remedies we discovered survived into the 20th century and, indeed, some remain in use today, albeit that the active component is now produced synthetically," said Dr Campbell.

"Other ingredients endure and acacia is still used in cough remedies while aloes forms a basis to soothe and heal skin conditions

Its amazing that the ancient Egyptians were using this stuff over a century before the birth of Christ. As I type this I have honey on a few wounds and earlier this week I had to use castor oil because the over-the-counter prescription crap shit didn't work as well.

There are plenty of natural remedies that can cure us just well as the synthetic drugs that Big Pharma pumps out. The FDA is in bed with the Pharmaceutical companies to keep natural remedies under the rug and in some cases even banning cancer-curing nutrients!


June 08, 2007

Recepie for Success: Ron Paul President + Democratic Congress

Over at LewRockwell.com they offer an interview with presidential candidate Ron Paul. Some Democrats fear that his goals to reduce the size (and spending) of the federal government would lead to an attack on social services such as welfare and Medicare. Here Paul gives his word (even Jon Stewart from the Daily Show knows Paul is consistent on keeping his word) that Ron Paul can work with Democrats to achieve what's best for our country without cutting benefits for the poor.

Here is Ron Paul in his own words:

[On Working with Dennis Kucinich] I think I will continue to work with him [Dennis] the best we can. And you know, take some of the liberal welfare spending that Dennis might support more than I. But you know, I’m not hostile toward that. If I can save the money from overseas, put some of it against the deficit, end up with a net reduction in the size of the budget, at the same time stopping a war, I may well be very open to funding some of these programs. Because I’m not out to gut some of these programs that have taught people to be very dependent on the government, like medical care. I mean, that’s not my goal. I’ve never run for office with the goal of slashing [those programs] even though philosophically I don’t think it’s the best way to deliver services and prosperity to poor people.

'Nuff Said!

A Democratic Congress will never let social services get slashed. Working together with a Ron Paul administration we can finally see the dismantling of the Military Industrial Complex, the Federal Reserve, and the Big Corporate / Big Government scams that have been robbing the poor and middle class of their wealth and liberty for so long.

Check out Ron Paul's recent visit to the Daily Show:


June 07, 2007

Russ Feingold on restoring our Civil Liberties

Its kinda sad to say but out of the nearly 20 people running for president in 2008, none of them come as close to being on-point as Russ Feingold (with the exception of Ron Paul in his own way).

In the last days of the Republican controlled congress at the end of 2006, those rat bastard facist fuck-tards rammed through the Military Commissions Act which essentially expanded the powers of these tyrants in D.C. by shitting on Habeas Corpus. Senator Feingold is fighting to restore our Constitution and our Civil Liberties, this is what he said on this matter:

Mr. Chairman, this bill is part of our counterterrorism efforts, because we cannot begin to make a dent in terrorist recruitment and plotting worldwide without sending a clear message that the United States will adhere to the principles that make our country great. Our faithful adherence to checks and balances, fundamental fairness, and the rule of law has been and always will be one of our greatest strengths.

Last year, the President agreed to consult with Congress on the makeup of military commissions only because he was compelled to do so by the Supreme Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. Congress should have taken that opportunity to pass legislation that would allow these trials to proceed in accordance with our laws and our values. Instead, we passed the Military Commissions Act, allowing the government to seize aliens on American soil or abroad, designate them “enemy combatants,” and, in one of the worst provisions of that bill, detain them indefinitely with no opportunity to challenge their detention in court.

It is time to start to undo the harm this legislation has caused.


Mr. Chairman, this state of affairs is unacceptable, and it almost surely violates our Constitution. But that determination will take years of protracted litigation. The Supreme Court has declined to review the D.C. Circuit’s decision on this issue, at least for now, so it is all the more urgent that Congress act to resolve this issue. We should restore the right to habeas corpus now. We must make clear that our laws do not permit the government to detain people – including people on U.S. soil -- indefinitely without court review. This bill is an important first step in reasserting the primacy of American values in our law. The elimination of habeas corpus in the Military Commissions Act was a historic and tragic mistake. It is time we correct it, and I congratulate you, Mr. Chairman, and Senator Specter, for moving so quickly to take this important step.

My theme this week is basically "civil liberties". The American colonists fought for our independence in 1776 from a tyrant (King George) and created a limited government that was supposed to safeguard our civil liberties. Yet slowly but surely the statists (Abe Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, etc) eroded our freedoms in exchange for this bloated federal government that exists today. All of these sick bastards (including the fuckers running for president like Giuliani and Hillary) need to leave us the hell alone and choose honest-to-God professions like the rest of us and stay out of politics. These power-hungry career politicians will continue to shit on your civil liberties if you don't push back.

Thankfully Russ Feingold is providing a voice of reason in the senate.

Hopefully he runs for president after '08 and sets things straight, but I won't hold my breath for this current bunch of candidates (except Ron Paul).

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June 06, 2007

Kos said it best: "War on Terror" is B.S.

Excuse me for posting this from DailyKos in its entirety but the recent plot to blow up the JFK airport in New York proves what we (the reasonable folks) have been saying all along:

Poor wingnuts. The aborted (and laughably unrealistic) effort to attack JFK is a stark reminder that every line they've fed us about this war on terror is horse crap.

1. The attackers had no ties to Iraq. Nor the Middle East. Nor Al Qaida.

2. It was homegrown terrorism. (Of course, the perpetrators were brown, so this merits a lot more hand-wringing than white domestic terrorists, especially the ones bombing abortion clinics.)

3. No illegal wiretaps or torture were necessary to crack the case.

4. It was thwarted by good ol' police work -- an informant inside the cell, working with a joint FBI/NYPD task force.

5. Whatever happened to "fighting them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here"?

6. War in Iraq and elsewhere isn't ending terrorism. In fact, it's fueling it.

Now the usual suspects praying for more terrorist attacks to justify their apocalyptic world view seem to be pouncing on this case as some sort of validation. In reality, everything about this plot rejects their views on handling terrorism.

And this isn't an isolated case -- the morons who were going to take down the Brooklyn Bridge with a blowtorch and the "Fort Dix Six" were taken down by traditional law enforcement activities. While terrorism is bound to be a low-grade threat to our nation for pretty much ever, this is all proof that bombing them over there isn't doing anything to stop that that threat over here and that law enforcement can handle the task without surrendering our Constitutional liberties to authoritarian fear-mongers.

Your crazy Republican dumb-fucks who foam at the mouth for Big Government to spy on us for the sake of "protection" have no grounds for calling ANYONE unpatriotic. Read the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence again... we founded this republic for the sake of preserving liberty above everything else.
