May 28, 2009

It sucks to be an Obama supporter (again)

Once again Rachel Maddow is on-point. She's got to be one of the most honest progressive in the media today. I'm glad anti-war Democrats are not giving up their cause of ending these illegal imperial wars. Recently the South Florida Veterans for Peace created "Arlington South Beach" during the Memorial Day weekend and with over 4000 deaths in Iraq being represented by a tombstone it was quite a site to see.

Again, don't believe the Obama hype, the guy worships Abe Lincoln, the first Republican tyrant, and he's definitely following in his footsteps.

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May 06, 2009

Rachel and Ron

This interview with Ron Paul by Rachel Maddow confirms what I was talking about in my last post where I was shitting on both the Democrats and the Republicans. Rachel is fast becoming one of the most respected (by me especially) TV news personalities today. I've been listening to her since she had that crazy early-morning show on Air America and Its great to see her catapulted to a bigger stage.

Still... vote the bums out!

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May 05, 2009

Ron Paul converting the morons?

Looks like Ron Paul, who was formally booed and blackballed by FAUX News is now converting and gaining the support of the sorry-ass republicans in congress:

Paul has remained surprised and bemused at his new influence. “I was talking with one of the other Republicans on the floor,” he remembered, “one of the types that had been voting with Bush, for big spending and all of that. I asked him: ‘Are you voting with me now or am I voting with you?’ They just laugh. They know what the situation is.”

Yeah, the situation is that the republican congress critters are loosing their asses! Now, they are supporting worthwhile causes (like auditing the FED) but not because it's the proper thing to do (Paul's previous effort netted 0 co-sponsors) but because it's politically expedient to do so.

Ron Paul has stuck to his guns since the 70's and courageously voted AGAINST the Patriot ACT and the stupid War in Iraq. These new Republican rats who are joining Ron Paul should be trusted about as far as you can throw them.

We know that the Democrats are a lost cause for not having impeached Bush but don't believe the phony hype surrounding these fascist/socialist Republican ass holes who conveniently have discovered some common sense. Vote the bums out... both Democrat and Republican!