May 27, 2008

HBO: Recount - Pissing me off!

If you are seriously pissed off by the damage done by the Bush Crime Family in the past eight years then don't watch HBO's Recount starring Kevin Spacey unless you want your blood to boil. HBO obviously has a liberal bent in their portrayal but, being born and raised in Miami-Dade County, I don't need an HBO film to show me that Republicans are NASTY fucks!

Watching this movie pissed me off ROYALLY knowing full well what has transpired since the 2000 election fiasco. The Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Guantanamo Bay, 9/11 on Bush's watch, The War in Iraq, Illegal wiretapping, War crimes in Fallujah, the creation of the the Department of Homeland Security, the no-fly lists, shitting on the constitution, shitting on civil liberties, etc. etc.

Do keep in mind, how absurd this circus in Florida was, with counting hanging chads and dimpled ballots for the sake of electing the president. Why do we labor and pin the hopes for our future well-being on one man/woman, one elected office, one government position? Why?

Fuck the president, fuck the presidency and fuck the entire federal government. Thomas Jefferson, founder of the Democratic party and principal author of the Declaration of Independence, wrote the Kentucky resolves and stated that we can't have the Federal Government be the final word on checking the Federal government's own power. In other words, never trust the Feds, we the people, we the States reserve the power to nullify Federal power that is out of hand and unjust. Why are we crying over the Supreme Court judges that the Bush Crime Family appointed? If you listen to Thomas Jefferson then we the people have the final word on the laws of the land... not a federal court packed full of old fogies in black robes.

We need to fight for the 10th amendment, follow it and you'll see that any future contested presidential elections will just seem ridiculous. The president doesn't matter, what YOU do with your daily life can cause a longer lasting change on this planet than any politician. Fuck them! McCain and Obama too!

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May 26, 2008

True enemies of Liberty

You can trace the Bush Crime Family's bullshit all the way back to Alexander Hamilton (what is he doing on the $10 bill anyways?) who influenced Abe Lincoln's murdering antics and so on. But if you want the real story of how the power elite have manipulated us into these useless wars check out this long article by Murray Rothbard. The story is complex, detailed and eye-opening. Its summarized with this quote:
The House of Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the Kuhn-Loebs must take their place alongside the First, Second, and Third Internationals as the historic enemies of liberty.

Giant multinational corporations, and their economic satellites, in alliance with governments and the big banks, are in the process of extending their influence on a global scale: they dream of a world central bank, global planning, and an international welfare state, with American troops policing the world to guarantee their profit margins.

The whole article is worth a read if you truly want to dive deep into the truth of how we've inherited this hot steaming turd bucket called the U.S. government (and who's really to blame!)

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May 08, 2008

American Acts of Homicide

This photo illustrates what Reverend Jeremiah Wright was rallying against in his "controversial" sermons. Barack Obama's former (?) pastor was denouncing the atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Here are Reverend Wright's exact words:

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and The Pentagon, and we never batted an eye... and now we are indignant, because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."

Now imagine that you are the relative of of those innocent civilians who was murdered in that photo from Hiroshima. Knowing full well all of the other acts of homicide by the United States government would you not expect some form of retaliation on U.S. soil? To think that 9/11 occurred out of the blue and unexpectedly is to have your head up your ass.

Honestly, we need to stop this madness, we need to end these wars and acts of violence and just live in peace with one another. "Be the change" you wish to see in the world. Stop participating in homicide and keep your family from participating also. Hiroshima-esqe tragedies are occurring today in Iraq and the blood is all over our hands.

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May 04, 2008

Iron Man & Ghostface Killah

Iron Man Ghostface Killah First of all, even though Ghostface's scene in the new Iron Man movie was cut, Ghost still made an appearance. Watch for the scene in the beginning where Tony and War Machine get drunk on the Starks jet... you'll see Ghost.

In the film Robert Downey Jr. plays the kind of rat bastard character that I rag on in this blog. The multi-zillionaire, military-industrial-complex, war-profiteering, jackass donkey ball sucking jerk that feeds off the Bush Crime Family and the endless wars waged around the globe. But I'd be a liar if I didn't say Robert played the part of Tony Starks so well I kinda forgave him for it all. After all Tony Starks is Steve Jobs (with all of the Apple computer product placements and all.)

Rotten Tomatoes is proclaiming Iron Man as the best movie of the year and possibly the best comic book based movie EVER! I'll say Batman Begins is still a notch higher but both films are beasts for their own reasons. Its hard to compare them but its still a fucking great movie!

Oh yeah, look out for the Hugh Hefner and Mace Windu cameos.

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May 02, 2008

USA - Greatest perpetrator of Violence in the World

Its kind of shocking when you see our country's laundry list of acts of homicide spelled out like this. As explained over at

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the US, Robert Elias who is a professor of politics at the University of San Francisco wrote a paper outlining the terror tactics of the American government on foreign countries. Regardless of how one feels about his point in the essay on why the 9/11 attacks occurred, one must be horrified at the actions of our government that he marshaled into evidence in his article.

He pointed out that the US has used "Weapons of Mass Destruction" around the world on innocent civilian populations. These are American bombs, both nuclear and conventional, used indiscriminately for no military objective. The targets are civilian centers and the victims are simply called "collateral damage."



& China (1950–53)

(1954, 1960, 1967–69)











El Salvador















I don't agree with Obama's reverend when he said "G-d damn America" but I do agree with his rightful criticism of our nation's foreign policy. These are views that the late great Dr. King shared. The same Dr. King who's birthday is a national holiday once declared "America is the greatest perpetrator of violence in the world today".

This is only a reflection of us, the American People. (And this is supposed to be a so-called "Christian nation.")

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Ron Paul Revolution

Get the NY Times best-seller and #1 hit book. If you are still wondering what this Ron Paul Revolution is all about and how different a Ron Paul presidency would be from that of a McCain/Hillary/Obama administration then get this book. I don't care if you go to the book store and read it there. Get it!
