July 28, 2008

Just say NO to "State Worshiping"

The question is, why do Christians keep the American flag and the Pledge of Allegiance in their churches, masses and Sunday schools? If I ever decide to send my children to a government school you can bet that I'll ask them to refrain from pledging any allegiance to anything but God (until they're old enough to make their own educated choice, of course). This great article in the Christians Science Monitor sums it up:
Our "patriotism" is really nationalism: unquestioning and enthusiastic support of political power. Christians eager to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's have the rest of the week to do so. But the things rendered should not include our allegiance. That belongs to God. Why taint our worship by pledging it to the state's flag instead?

I agree wholeheartedly with this article and I guarantee that Jesus Christ would NOT have been pledging allegiance nor recognizing the "trivial" power that governments wield. Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world, that means the Bush Crime Family and it's followers have no ounce of credibility in trying to portray themselves as being "Christians". (Read more on Jesus' rejection of state power and violence here).

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July 18, 2008

Bush has gone Ape Shit

We're officially in a full fledged depression. Banks are falling off the map like flies, our currency is worthless, the economy is slowly grinding to a halt and this ass fuck George W. Bush wants to spark another war in the middle east. How does the Bush Crime Family plan on paying for another war?

Remember physics class... energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The same goes for money and any store of value. You may print more dollars but the value they hold will transfer to other currencies and commodities. The universe will always balance itself out. In other words, the Federal Government can't play God, can't fuck with God's rules and will not print their way out of this mess with more fake fiat dollars.

The fact that Bush continues to defy the rules of the universe now that he's wrecked our country proves he's gone ape shit, but who's the biggest dummy when the jerk has managed to stay in power and will probably sit out his entire second term without an impeachment!

Get your Bush gone Ape Shit t-shirts, posters, bumper stickers and more!

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July 12, 2008


McBama actually looks like Hugo Chavez. This creepy bastard has promised more war and more violations of civil liberties.

McBama said:
I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. (hint, hint)

McBama also famously sang:
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

McBama also voted to allow the Bush Crime Family to continue to spy on us.

McBama also wrote an article where he essentially drools all over another illegal-war conducting, constitution-shredding republican fuck-tard: Abe Lincoln.

These and many more promises of war and homicide and keeping the American empire intact is why we must oppose this jerk. McBama will guarantee more wars, no liberty. God bless America! (Get McBama T-shirts and bumper stickers here)

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July 02, 2008

McCain Cribs: Google Earth Tour

This fucker is loaded! $4 Million dollar condos and better. Karl Rove, the Bush Crime Family's top political hit man, is trying to push the story that Obama is out of touch with the American People... by using the exquisite menu at his last fundraiser as evidence. WOW!

Also Obama is being attacked for the discount he got on the loan for his $1 Million dollar home in Chicago. Are the republicans serious? Watch McCain's homes in this video and decide who's really out of touch with the American people. McCain is living lovely with beach-front homes and condos. I don't fault him for living the dream life, it's just that Obama who currently is not AS RICH is being attacked for it by the hypocritical Republicans (but I repeat myself).

BTW, Obama is a jackass for continuing the disastrous Bush policy of mixing Church and State with the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Obama is also getting worse as this election year unfolds. I'm glad I'm not voting for either one.

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