July 18, 2008

Bush has gone Ape Shit

We're officially in a full fledged depression. Banks are falling off the map like flies, our currency is worthless, the economy is slowly grinding to a halt and this ass fuck George W. Bush wants to spark another war in the middle east. How does the Bush Crime Family plan on paying for another war?

Remember physics class... energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The same goes for money and any store of value. You may print more dollars but the value they hold will transfer to other currencies and commodities. The universe will always balance itself out. In other words, the Federal Government can't play God, can't fuck with God's rules and will not print their way out of this mess with more fake fiat dollars.

The fact that Bush continues to defy the rules of the universe now that he's wrecked our country proves he's gone ape shit, but who's the biggest dummy when the jerk has managed to stay in power and will probably sit out his entire second term without an impeachment!

Get your Bush gone Ape Shit t-shirts, posters, bumper stickers and more!

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