March 26, 2009

Obama Crime Family hates your liberty!

This is the same bullshit from the last tyrannical administration. Thankfully, I keep reading of liberals who are already going sour on the Obama Crime Family. The dumb-fuck Republicans are finally screaming on the feds for their blatant socialism (where were their protests during the last 8 years?)

Obama officially shot down the idea of legalizing / decriminalizing Marijuana during hist town-hall meeting. Plus the feds raided a pot dispensary in violation of their earlier promise to back off and let the states handle this issue.

Don't let your "liberal" friends remain glass-eyed and mindlessly devoted to this current crop of criminals, spread the word on Barack Bush's continuing violations of our personal liberties!

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March 25, 2009

Marijuana tops Obama's White House!


As of Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 9pm Eastern, the White House has been taking open questions from the public and the top 7 "budget" questions out of 7,302 questions after 300,000+ votes are all on the topic of legalizing/decriminalizing Marijuana. (Check out the actual screen shot!)

This will happen in our lifetimes after all. The depression will force the hand of the Feds into giving "we the people" the choice of regulating weed at the state level. We CAN'T AFFORD THE STUPID DRUG WAR ANY LONGER!

Its incredible how the people are flooding the Obama Crime Family with this issue to the point where they cannot ignore it any longer.

It's like I'm posting consecutive great news blog posts on Chico Town. Lets keep it up! Ask your own questions and vote on existing questions over at the white house open forum.

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March 19, 2009

Good News from Obama!

Holy shit! I gotta post the good news for a change because ragging on Obama for being a Bush-cloned-suck-wad gets tiring.

The administration of the holy emperor is going show mercy on medical marijuana dispensaries who abide by their state laws.

But wait! Obama's thugs are saying that they will leave folks alone who follow their state laws in reference to a particular matter that the US Constitution does not explicitly address? Huh?

I think I heard of this concept before....

It's called the 10th Amendment of the Constitution and it says:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Should we be praising these rat-bastards for (semi-)following the constitution? It reminds me of a Chris Rock joke where he mentions folks who brag "I take care of my kids!" Chris Rock then replies "You're 'sposed to take care of your kids, what do you want a cookie?"

I guess we can give Obama a cookie... a medicinal weed cookie as a token of our appreciation for leaving peaceful plant-consumers alone! Still, lets enjoy this great news and hope for more to follow.

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March 14, 2009

Legalizatrion of Marijuana still getting lots of press

This time it's Ron Paul championing the common sense approach to regulating drugs. Our dear emperor Obama admitted to smoking weed but wouldn't touch the issue with a ten foot pole. He's living proof that even weed smokers can become President of the United States. Now that the generation that actively used the most weed in their youth is running the world, I hope this economic depression will apply the final pressure they need to legalize and decriminalize marijuana.

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March 09, 2009

One of the most disgusting articles I've ever read!

Not because of the way it was written, the author nor the opinions expressed in it. (The author is actually one of my favorite bloggers!) But this article by William Grigg offers some chilling facts about the horrible and tyrannical judicial system that lords over us in the United States. I'm sick to my stomach after reading this article.


This is some bullshit!

After reading that article the hairs on your arm must be standing on end. If not, then check your pulse and your conscience. Then, if you want to further ruin your lunch (and or day) listen to this MP3 of Judge Andrew Napolitano explaining how our civil liberties are further eroded by our wonderful Federal Government.

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March 08, 2009

Legalizing Marijuana is gaining momentum

From the Chicago Sun-Times we get the following editorial arguing for the legalization of marijuana. Here's a great quote explaining the economic benefit:

Marijuana, however undesirable some might view it, is not much, if any, different in its effects than alcohol and should be treated the same. And Ammiano has a point: A 2005 study endorsed by the late Milton Friedman and 530 other economists found legal regulation would save the nation $7.7 billion in enforcement costs and bring in up to $6.2 billion in taxes.

Beyond that are the issues of the terrible crime drug prohibition inflicts on mostly minority neighborhoods in big cities and the narco-terrorism raging in countries where criminals and poor people simply produce a product in huge demand in America.

Save lives, save money! It's simple as that. Spread the word and write a letter to your congress-critter so that the Feds can lay off this moronic prohibition of weed.

Disclosure: I don't smoke weed, I never have and I'd volunteer for a random piss test 365 days of the year to prove it. I don't have a dog in this fight for legalization, I'm just opposed to the government tyranny and disgusting waste in public funds for prohibiting a plant from being consumed. The silver lining in this depression would be the humane legalization of this drug.

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March 05, 2009

The Roots - 'nuff said

I'm not gonna lie, I was looking forward to watching the new Jimmy Fallon show just for The Legendary Roots Crew! I'm glad to say that The Roots did not disappoint. It's great to see that Hip Hop made it this far.

Catch the first three episodes of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and peep the Roots performing slow jams, cheesy game show tunes, rock beats and Hip Hop backgrounds.

March 04, 2009

The Root of All Evil - 'nuff said!

Whenever I'm trying to argue and explain the virtues of using natural money (and not the fake, fiat paper notes we're accustomed to) I pretty much use the same reasoning that Paul Hein used in his article on titled The Root of all Evil.
Yet, his way of explaining it is so perfect that I'll share part of it here:

By contrast, today’s wages lose value – measurable only in a frequently redefined "purchasing power" – with every passing month. A "fixed income" means a constantly decreasing standard of living. So Mom goes to work, although that means giving part of her earnings to Uncle Sam, buying a second car, and putting the children in day care: in the end, not as rewarding as hoped. Maybe Dad gets a second, part-time, job. With all of this work, there should be some reward: maybe a boat, a country club membership, a larger home. Easy to obtain with easy money! It’s not hard to see how money, and getting more of it, could become a virtual obsession. You’re working so hard; why shouldn’t you have something to show for it? Living at the brink of, or beyond, one’s means has become all too common. Well, we’re witnessing what happens when that bubble bursts. But the bubble would never have existed if money was a tangible good, not created with the stroke of the banker’s pen.

Money is indispensable to civilization. Individuals or families living in isolation don’t need money; what would they buy? But put people together in cities, to enjoy the benefits of the division of labor, and they need some sort of common bartering agent. That is the role of money. Without it, civilization is impossible. When money is withdrawn from society slowly, and replaced with fiat, or imaginary money, society sickens. The process is gradual, like the heating of the water in the pot containing the frog, but sooner or later, the situation becomes unbearable. If there are no standards for money, other standards will fade away as well. Money circulates through the body politic; if it goes bad, that body deteriorates.

So look about once again. What you see is the collapse of a society built upon a bubble of deceit and dishonesty, a society which has been trying to borrow itself into prosperity. It’s happened before, many times. A fiat "money" eventually reaches its intrinsic value. Do we learn from experience? In monetary matters, the answer would seem to be "NO!" And civilization crumbles, on a foundation of fiat.

A sound society needs sound money.

Paul hit it right on the nose. Spread the word and reject this corrupt monetary system that is ruining our standard of living!

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