December 29, 2008

List of troubled Banks in Miami

Chris Brunner from scoured the FDIC website and complied this list of the most troubled banks in the USA. He calculated the Texas Ratio score for each bank using this equation:

100 * ((Non-performing Assets - U.S guaranteed loans) + Other REO) / (Equity + Loss Reserves)

According to Chris, a Texas Ratio above 50 is trouble, a score above 100 means "run for the hills!" The higher the ratio the quicker you should move your money.

Below I compiled the most trouble banks in Miami, FL from Chris' list.

Miami, FL Banks that need Jesus

  • Premier American Bank - 116

  • Ocean Bank - 111

  • Republic Federal Bank, National Association - 83

  • Great Eastern Bank of Florida - 63

  • Espirito Santo Bank* - 51

  • Helm Bank - 50

  • Terrabank, National Association - 44

  • FirstBank Florida - 39

  • *What a name!

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    December 25, 2008

    Insulting Ronald Reagan

    View the video here: Don Rickles on Dean Martin Roasts Reagan

    What is better than making fun of Republicans? When they play along I guess.

    Merry Christmas!


    December 22, 2008

    Building an American empire, no matter what

    If you are like me, you probably attended a government school (aka 'public' school) and you were indoctrinated with the government's version of American history. New evidence continues to emerge that challenges the 'mainstream' view of how the USA became the murderous and tyrannical empire we all know and love today.

    >We provoked our way into World War I

    Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship:
    "The diving team estimates that around four million rounds of U.S.-manufactured Remington .303 bullets lie in the Lusitania's hold at a depth of 300ft."

    The US needed an excuse to join the Great War so they set up some of their own citizens to ride aboard a ship containing millions of rounds of bullets and possibly explosives. They provoked the Germans into sinking and murdering innocent American civilians so that they can whip up the public into a fervor to support joining the European civil war. These recent diving expeditions down into the wreckage of the Lusitania prove without a doubt that the USA purposefully endangered their citizens for the sake of war profiteering.


    >We assassinated General Patton after WWII to enable the Cold War

    General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book:
    "The newly unearthed diaries of a colourful assassin for the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, reveal that American spy chiefs wanted Patton dead because he was threatening to expose allied collusion with the Russians that cost American lives."

    We are now figuring out that our involvement in World War I and the resulting Treaty of Versailles planted to seeds for World War II. Subsequently, the second world war lead to the decades-long Cold War with the Soviet Union. General Patton was right in the mix of things and wanted to shut down soviets immediately. The article basically explains the General Patton (like JFK) was just another casualty of the CIA who stood in the way of our empire building and murderous world-wide arms dealings. (Without the Cold War could we have justified our expensive arms race and bloated pentagon budgets?)


    >We had a peaceful population forcefully removed just to have a base near the Middle East

    The Corruption That Makes Unpeople of an Entire Nation:
    "During the 1960s and 1970s British governments, Labour and Tory, tricked and expelled the entire population of the Chagos Archipelago, more than 2,000 British citizens, so that Diego Garcia could be given to the United States as the site for a military base. It was an act of mass kidnapping carried out in high secrecy. As unclassified official files now show, Foreign Office officials conspired to lie, coaching each other to “maintain” and “argue” the “fiction” that the Chagossians existed only as a “floating population.”

    The island called Diego Garcia was once a paradise for a peaceful population of islanders that had made this island their home for several generations. The British and the US forcefully removed the islanders and handed the island over to the Americans in exchange for a discount on missiles. Yes it sounds fantastic and ridiculous but you can't make this stuff up!!


    While the rest of you pray "... and to the Republic for which it stands...", just remember that the USA ceased existing as a peaceful Republic the day Lincoln invaded and occupied a sovereign nation. The day we occupied the Philippines and had many of their people killed. The day we provoked our way into two world wars and dropped the atomic bomb and thousands of innocents. You should change your prayer to this:

    "I pledge Allegiance,
    to the Empire of the United States of America.
    And to the police-state for which it stands,
    in defiance of our God,
    with liberty and justice as a facade."

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    December 14, 2008

    Bush: So what if a guy threw a shoe at me?

    Bush: "Its like driving down the street and have people not gesturing with all five fingers."


    What a way to end a sorry excuse for a presidency. He should be arrested and tried for his crimes against humanity, but a flying shoe will do for now. Also, towards the end Bush makes a funny smirk when he thanks the Iraqi prime minister for "inviting him". Its smells like horse shit. I guess his little political stunt backfired.

    There's no saving his legacy.

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    December 06, 2008

    It sucks to be an Obama supporter

    Before the election I was making the case with friends and family that there was no real difference between Obama and McCain (aka Bush). Over at (a so-called "liberal" blog) they are smelling the stench of republican neo-conism emanating from the Obama camp. They smell betrayal while I'm (sadly) being proven correct. Obama will keep the American empire in tact (kill more arabs!) and will continue to have the deficit spending and bailouts coming.

    Check it out for yourselves:

    Obama chooses Wall Street over Main Street - Bush's economic policy

    Will Obama Stay the Course? (Yes) - Bush's foreign policy

    Confronting the Terrorists Within - explains the truth about the "war on terror" and how Obama's embrace of Bush's murderous language spells doom for all of us!

    One note about picking Hillary for Secretary of State. Many can argue that Obama beat Hillary in the primary because he was against the Iraq War from the start while Hilary refused to apologize for supporting and voting to authorize it. Therefore in a nutshell, the Democratic base chose Obama over Hillary because he was better than her on foreign policy. The voters had spoken!
    What does Obama do as soon as he is elected president? He hands Hillary the keys to our foreign policy. The voters have been jipped!

    Does this make any sense? If you are truly anti-war then you have best to jump ship now and forever forsake the Democratic war party before they eat your soul and wreck your sanity!

    Click here For an anti-war perspective on Obama's (predicted) betrayal of his "liberal" base.

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    Abe Lincoln the Tyrant

    In response to Robert who wrote a comment on my last post, I had to reprint my response:

    I appreciate your comment Robert. You gotta take a second look into the war between the states to really get my point. Never do I endorse nor support slavery in any way. But simple and plain... Abe Lincoln did not wage the war to free the slaves nor did Able care for their well-being or equal rights (he wanted to deport them back to Africa!) The war was about taxes (money). There is ample evidence that supports this. If you believe that the "Civil War" was about slavery than you must also believe that the Iraq war was about WMDs.

    My point is that a so-called Catholic high school is putting a war-monger up on a pedestal as a model for proper conduct. It makes no sense because Jesus Christ was obviously anti-war (and anti-state for that matter).

    During the 1860's there were many abolitionists (those who were working towards abolishing slavery) who were also anti-war, especially Lincoln's war of aggression. Read up on Lysander Spooner as a great example.

    The brutality and viciousness of that war, then using the slaves as a scapegoat towards the end is what lead to the creation of the Klu Klux Klan by disgruntled and defeated Democrats. (For every action you get an equal and opposite reaction.)

    Why do you think Dr. King's non-violent civil rights movement was so successful? The 1960's did more for equal rights than Lincoln's so called emancipation ever could. Lincoln used war, terror, homicide and humiliation to achieve his goals. Dr. King used love, peace, brotherhood, community-bonds and civilized discourse to help free those who were oppressed. (Peaceful action eventually reaps a peaceful reaction, like Obama being elected, makes sense?) The motivations and the results from both campaigns are like night and day.

    We will eventually stop worshiping President Lincoln when we all realize the truth about this Republican, homicidal tyrant who disregarded the constitution and human life as well.

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