List of troubled Banks in Miami
Chris Brunner from scoured the FDIC website and complied this list of the most troubled banks in the USA. He calculated the Texas Ratio score for each bank using this equation:
100 * ((Non-performing Assets - U.S guaranteed loans) + Other REO) / (Equity + Loss Reserves)
According to Chris, a Texas Ratio above 50 is trouble, a score above 100 means "run for the hills!" The higher the ratio the quicker you should move your money.
Below I compiled the most trouble banks in Miami, FL from Chris' list.
Miami, FL Banks that need Jesus
Premier American Bank - 116 Ocean Bank - 111 Republic Federal Bank, National Association - 83 Great Eastern Bank of Florida - 63 Espirito Santo Bank* - 51 Helm Bank - 50 Terrabank, National Association - 44 FirstBank Florida - 39
*What a name!
Labels: Federal Reserve, Miami
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