FL-21: Martinez looses badly to Diaz Balart

Martinez with all of his money and attention received practically the same results as Lincoln's last opponent, Libertarian-Democrat Frank Gonzalez!
Frank Gonzalez barely had money (I think it was less than $10k), had NO TV commercials, NO media exposure, NO name recognition (compared to Martinez who was the former Mayor of Hialeah), and NO support from the national Democratic party and he still won 41% of this tough district.
Again, congrats to Frank J. Gonzalez for the tough and intelligent race he ran in 2006 against the hideous Republican who represents Florida's 21'st district.
Had the DNC (and DailyKos) flooded Frank's campaign in '06 with the money and attention they gave Martinez we would have eliminated the fascist Diaz-Balart long ago.
Lets hope Frank Gonzalez gives this district another shot and the DNC and the Ron Paul supporters give him a bigger financial boost next time around.
Labels: 2008 Elections, Frank Gonzalez
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