September 25, 2008

Obama & McCain: Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb!

Yes McBama is Dumb and Dumber on both the cause and the solution of the Great Depression II:

Our one-party system is complicit in yet another crime against the American people. The two major party candidates for president themselves initially indicated their strong support for bailouts of this kind – another example of the big choice we’re supposedly presented with this November: yes or yes. Now, with a backlash brewing, they’re not quite sure what their views are. A sad display, really.

The debate between Obama and McCain on economics is going to be about regulations and more regulations. One will call it something like "common sense regulations" and the other will propose "broad or sweeping regulations", all bullshit.

Any man, woman, child, organization, political party or country that seriously believes it can control or "save" the economy is full of it. It's like proclaiming that you can control the weather. Yeah you could probably seed a few clouds and make rain but you can never contain the full force of the weather, nor the economy.

The market will sort itself out if only we could leave it alone. In Friday's presidential debates you'll only see McBama trying to out-do himself on further meddling of the economy.

America gets the president she deserves.

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September 16, 2008

Obama was late... Ron Paul saw it coming 5 years ago!

Over at, a recommended diary is flaunting Barack Obama's claim that he was trying to prevent this economic depression with this 2006 legislation to prevent mortgage "fraud, risk, or abuse".

That's really sweet and all on Obama's part but his legislation would only nip at part of the problem. Exactly 5 years ago Ron Paul sought to uproot and strike at the very heart of the crash in housing prices! Read Ron Paul's warning in 2003:

I hope today's hearing sheds light on how special privileges granted to GSEs distort the housing market and endanger American taxpayers. Congress should act to remove taxpayer support from the housing GSEs before the bubble bursts and taxpayers are once again forced to bail out investors who were misled by foolish government interference in the market. I therefore hope this committee will soon stand up for American taxpayers and investors by acting on my Free Housing Market Enhancement Act.

As of this week the Federal Government has had to continue bailing out more of these irresponsible firms, including the very two culprits Ron Paul was warning against, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! Your tax dollars at work. How can I get the Federal Government to bail me out if my small company fails? If the FED gave me that kind of promise you bet I'd ride the gravy train all the way to the bank like wall street just did these past few years.

Once again, the type of "change" Obama is proposing is only fluff compared to what our country really needs. Like Flava Flav says, "Don't believe the hype!"

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Pakistan Army ordered to attack US Soldiers

Holy shit!
Pakistan's military said today its forces had received orders to fire on US troops if they entered Pakistani territory, after a cross-border raid inflamed public opinion.

Again, the Bush Crime Family turned the 9/11 tragedy from a moment where the whole world was sympathetic toward the USA into an excuse for shitting on half the middle east and having our soldiers pay the price for it all. Plus the US economy isn't holding up so well, especially if we're forced to pay for a war with Pakistan. You know that if one of those Pakistani soldiers kills... I mean even grazes one soldier with even a stone... Bush will retaliate with a full-scale attack. Again something that could have been avoided.

Pray for peace.

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September 10, 2008

Ron Paul shits on Obama and McCain

Today Ron Paul is calling on all Americans to reject the two-party cartel that has turned our presidential elections into a pissing match between two evils. No matter how you look at it you're still voting for evil. In a nutshell this is Ron Paul's reasoning behind rejecting Obama and Mcain... I agree wholeheartedly with him:

We cannot expect withdrawal of troops from Iraq or the Middle East with either of the two major candidates. Expect continued involvement in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Georgia. Neither hints of a non-interventionist foreign policy. Do not expect to hear the rejection of the policy of supporting the American world empire. There will be no emphasis in protecting privacy and civil liberties and the constant surveillance of the American people. Do not expect any serious attempt to curtail the rapidly expanding national debt. And certainly, there will be no hint of addressing the Federal Reserve System and its cozy relationship with big banks and international corporations and the politicians.

There is only one way that these issues can get the attention they deserve: the silent majority must become the vocal majority.

Even before Ron Paul announced that he was going to make this joint press conference with the major 3rd party candidates I already was leaning towards supporting the Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney. Check out some of the other candidates as well if you care about truly abolishing the evil American empire that provokes more war and homicide worldwide.

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September 08, 2008

Xtreme Don't Tread on Me Sticker

I'm a big fan of the Gadsen flag and how the American colonists used it to represent their rebellion against the tyrant King George. I wanted a bumper sticker version that was longer and bolder so that drivers from a distance could read the message. It's time to revive this American tradition of rebelling against tyranny and the Bush Crime Family fits the mold perfectly. Get the Xtreme Gadsen "Dont tread on Me" bumper sticker and shirts here!

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