The "War on Drugs" is Fake!

Check out this new article on written by Newtopia Magazine Editor-in-Cheif, Chalres Shaw, who incidentally was arrested for the possession of marijuana. We've said on Chico Town before that the war on drugs is biased and it unfairly targets minorities and poor communities, well this article spells it out completely with the facts to prove it. Check out these quotes:
... the U.S. government demonizes Blacks, other minorities, drug users, and poor people, and uses the drug trade as a pretext to justify a domestic war against them. In the "War on Drugs", we claim to be fighting crime and drug use, but while the budget for the "War on Drugs" increases every year and the number of prisons and prisoners increase every year, the amount of drugs consumed and the number of drug users also increases every year.
... more than 40% of the 1,000 state prisons now in operation opened within the last 25 years, coinciding with the full scale launch of the "War on Drugs."
But maybe the most frightening fact is that, according to the U.S. Dept. of Justice, a nation with only 4.6% of the total world population has a full one-third of the world's prisoners, an estimated six million people, three million currently incarcerated in federal and state penitentiaries and county jails, and another roughly 3 million under "correctional supervision" on house arrest, probation, or parole.
Honestly we need to decriminalize or legalize drugs and spend those millions building rehab clinics instead of prisons! Why are we jailing our own people for the sake of profits? Modern day slavery my friends, and the CIA (aka the Crack Importing Agency) flooded our streets with Cocaine in the 80's so that the FEDs can start this fake ass "war". Read the full article for more on how the "war on drugs" is full of shit. They even make a strong argument for legalizing drugs using the examples set by the prohibition of alcohol (or you can take the Libertarian's word for it).
Lets take our communities back and keep our families out of unnecessary prison sentences.
(Prohibition pic courtesy of NORML)
Labels: War on Drugs