February 20, 2009

Anti-Imperial Puerto Rican Hip Hop

After a close friend and I met up recently, he was amused by the fact that I refer to Obama, not as president, but as emperor. Emperor Obama this, Emperor Obama that... is how I speak. He asked why, then I responded that if we're not an empire then someone needs to call Puerto Rico and tell them that they've been jipped all of these years. As the conversation progressed about the topic of Puerto Rico's independence, he showed me Calle 13's video:

If you speak fluent Spanish then you can't deny that this classic Calle 13 protest track is as hot as it gets. Enjoy Querido F.B.I..

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February 17, 2009

Paper money is our downfall

From an article in the Times Online defending a gold standard, we get these great quotes:

In 1873 Jevons could already write: “It is hardly requisite to tell again the well-worn tale of the over-issue of paper money which has almost always followed the removal of the legal necessity of convertibility. Hardly any civilised nation exists, which has not suffered from the scourge of paper money at one time or another... Time after time in the earlier history of New England and some of the other states now forming part of the American Union, paper money had been issued and had brought ruin.”

Daniel Webster's opinion should never be forgotten. Of paper money he says: “We have suffered more from this cause than from every other cause or calamity. It has killed more men, pervaded and corrupted the choicest interests of our country more, and done more injustice than even the arms and artifices of our enemy.”

The paper money system enables the world wars and destruction in the first place. If you are truly anti-war / pro-peace then you must strike the disease of belligerent warfare at it's root: paper money.
(Hat tip Lewrockwell.com)

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February 15, 2009


I can't wait to hear the new Hip Hop tracks from Joaquin Phoenix. Maybe he'll dedicate a song to his brother River.

By the way, I almost pee'd myself watching that interview. Holy shit! I'm speechless.

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February 11, 2009

I was joking about Obama, but...

This is ridiculous!

Back in December when I created the following image:

worship the emperor

I was mocking the fact that the Republicans had worshiped George W. Bush and that the Democrats would probably follow in their delusional foot steps. Bush was photographed intentionally with a halo around his head. Many of these photos popped up from the Bush Crime Family to hint at his "divinity".

Now the Democrats are worshiping the new emperor using the same tactics. I didn't expect it so soon though. Check out the cover of DC Modern Luxury Magazine for the proof. Notice a subtle crown on the emperor's head?

This business of worshiping the head of state is what gave men like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini a blank check to wreck havoc on life and liberty. The Democrats have lost their spine furthermore by their new-found crush on the emperor. For example, if the Obama Crime Family brings back the military draft will the Democrat lemmings even protest?

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February 10, 2009

Obama, here's $10 BILLION without needing the Stimulus

If anyone one has a direct line to Emperor Obama, please give him this tip (watch the video below). It's a win-win, no need to argue with hypocritical Republican fucks and no need to destroy the value of our currency with more inflation!

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February 05, 2009

Abolish the Fed: Seperation of Money and State

Ron Paul has introduced "The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, H.R. 833" which will serve as the ultimate "stimulus" to our economy.

I'm reminded of a debate I had 6 months or so ago when the Bush Crime Family was trying to get the first bailout passed. A co-worker was crying about the urgency of this bailout because the markets would crash without it. Guess what? The first, second and now the new bailouts will come and go and the markets will still crash and burn regardless.

I know how "progressive" liberals love to argue for the separation of Church and State (but then they go ahead and worship Obama and drown in irony) and in my opinion you cannot find a separation big enough to satisfy me. The separation of Church and State should be bigger than the grand canyon if I had it my way. But the separation of Money and State should be deeper and wider!!

Whatever arguments you can make of keeping the State out of our religion can also be made for keeping them out of finances. Everything that the State touches it destroys, corrupts, distorts and violates. We the people can and should decide what our money should be, what the interest rates should be and weather or not we fell like borrowing or saving.

The Federal Reserve is like a perverted joke of an institution and now it has led us to the greatest world-wide depression in human history. If we abolish it now we can start rebuilding our economy on more stable ground. Read more reasons here!

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