January 27, 2009

Ron Paul is on a warpath.

Two great videos from Ron Paul explaining both foreign policy (and why the Obama Crime Family will continue the murderous Bush policies) and schooling amateurs on the basics of the economic crisis. Enjoy!

Ron Paul on Foreign Policy:

Ron Paul on the Economics of this depression:

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January 24, 2009

Ron Paul saw this crisis coming since 2002

Ron Paul and other folks who believe in natural law and not the Harry Potter version of economics that the Bush Crime Family and the Obama Crime Family promote.

Pass this video around and take the warning seriously this time!

By the way, Obama ordered the murders of 3 children today (according to the word on the street).
Change we can believe in! Just like Bush.

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January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. King... now lets put him on our Money

Back in April of 2005 I originally created this design showing what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would look like on a US $20 dollar bill. This was inspired by the movement to Put Dr. King on the 20. Being that today we celebrate his birthday and local AM radio stations are playing his "I Have A Dream" speech in it's entirety, I wanted to bring this campaign back to the forefront.

I guess the creators of this movement chose the $20 because President Andrew Jackson is the only non-Hamiltonian depicted in a widely circulated federal reserve note (and because he killed lots of innocent indians too). I personally would LOVE to have Dr. King replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10... but as long as the central bank exists they will not part with their patron saint. So Andrew Jackson is slim pickings for being replaced by one of the giants of the civil rights, anti-war, pro-peace and brotherhood movement.

Spread the word!

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January 06, 2009

Massacre in Gaza

This just made me sick to my stomach!

Also check out Ron Paul's response to this horrible massacre in the middle east:

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