April 14, 2008

McCain: "I detest war"


Even libertarians are proclaiming ABM (Anybody but McCain)! This jerk will sink the planet into more illegal wars.

Btw, check out the TV show "Warlords" on the Military Channel and you'll see how quaint it was when the U.S. President bothered to show he cared about the Constitution and not rush the country into war without a proper declaration from congress. As a matter of fact, McCain resembles Stalin or Hitler with his talk of 100 years of war and homicide.

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April 10, 2008

Another Ron Paul Smack-Down

Ron Paul has always been this direct and on-point, even before he ran for president this year. No matter what happens in the elections, keep an eye on Ron Paul as he will keep pointing out the lies of the Bush Crime Family.

Here Ron Paul shows that General "Betray-Us" doesn't even understand the Constitution! Aren't the military sworn to uphold and protect it? So what the hell is General Petraeus protecting? The Bush Crime Family of course.

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