George W. Bush cheats on wife with Chevron Rice!

Rocky shoals for Bush marriage? Informed sources Inside the Beltway report that First Lady Laura Bush has established temporary residence in the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC as a result of a tiff with President Bush over an extramarital relationship involving her husband. Mr. Bush's tryst is said to involve Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. It is not known how long Mrs. Bush plans to remain at the Mayflower, however, her security detail has been present at the hotel during hours when the First Lady would normally be residing in the White House. While she was National Security Adviser, Rice, who has never been married, referred to George W. Bush as "my husband" before she corrected herself and said, "President. Bush" Rice was speaking at a dinner hosted by New York Times bureau chief Philip Taubman when she made her "husband" remarks.
Bush is a habitual liar, it is not hard to imagine that he'd lie to his own wife also. Keep your eye's peeled for this story.
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As I was saying in Reconstitution the other night....
If you've been married, you know how hard it is to get your head around saying "my wife" or "my husband." It isn't a natural thing to think for awhile after the vows have been exchanged.
Condoliesalot's slip of the tongue immediately got my attention, and I wonder why it wasn't more widely noted than it was. Hers was a true Freudian slip.
Yeah, you don't make mistakes like that about someone you only work with.
Husband is a strong word. I'm my own relationships I don't all my girlfriend my wife in public. It might have been wishfull thinking by Chevron Rice or maybe she let out more info than she'd care to share... regardless if this story proves to be true AND the traditional media doesn't jump all over it like they did to clinton, then the notion that we have a "liberal media" goes right out the window. I already know that the media is far from being as liberal as the Bush Crime Family paints it to be.
Just stay posted on this one.
Saw this. Doesn't it make you sick to your stomach? If it's true, we can impeach him right? Looking at it that way, I kinda hope he's banging her. (Even though I'll have to block out any images it congers.)
okay all you pros at this gossip business overlooked one small detail: and that is the picture. look closely. that isnt George's head! who took it off and pasted it on someone elses body!? i have to admit it looks pretty real. except that his skin color, his face and arms, are different skins. plus, that neck is too thick for that little head. im not a supporter or him or anything, but i dont think that it is right to go around making up shit about people and spreading it. whatever tho i said what i had to say. toodles!
LOL. This is from a tabloid newspaper. I looked it up and it is fake. I found out that tabloids have done this for every president for the last 20 years. Can't believe this short bus website posted it and so many suckers bought into it without looking into it more (ie: it's happens to only be posted on a tabloid and this particular site, while CNN, NBC, legit newspapers, etc missed the story). ROFL
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