An inconvenient truth we should have seen coming.

To this day I'm still the same tree-hugger I was in 2000 but now Bush's horrible administration turned me into a champion of civil liberties, probably just as much as I am of the environment. Everyday I see how better off we would have been with Gore in office. He may not be a saint, but dammit, we all know that millions of lives would not have been lost or ruined had Bush not been appointed president 6 years ago.
The good news is that Al Gore's new flik, An Inconvenient Truth, got a better review than the X-Men III. I hope people flood the movie theaters for it like Katrina flooded Bush's credibility and wake the fuck up to this environmental crisis we're experiencing. We need a tree-hugger in the white house ASAP!
Yeah, I've left my arm prints around a few trees myself. Read Al's book too. I'm married to a marine biologist so we're big into the environment.
I wish Al's movie was already on dvd so I could see it. I know it won't be shown anywhere here.
We sure do.
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