Chico Town: Quick Links

I come across so many interesting stories that I might as well start dropping posts with a bunch of 'em for your reading pleasure. Here are the one's worth checking out for today:
- The Vatican Astronomer says that Creationism is like Paganism! His argument is great, it's similar to what Einstein says about religion and science: "Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is ignorant"
- Howard Dean eats Tom Delay for breakfast! Watch the video on crooks and liars.
- Hacking RFID chips. These chips are unsafe and they have the potential for violating our privacy or worse. Fuck RFID chips, use them for inventory but keep them away from us!
- Bush at 31%! Nuff' sed...
- Real street-tested tips for saving $$$ on gasoline expenses. It's an incredible read.
- Green Roofs: a revolution in the making. I hope this catches on real BIG!
- Brazil beats the U.S. in being energy independent. Time to get angry and demand the same results. Thanks to the Bush Crime Family and the Oil barons from Texas we're paying out the ass for these assholes. Brazil bangs on the oil cartels.
- Marc Ecko defends civil liberties and art from government thugs. I'm glad as hell I buy Ecko shirts! Someone contact and give em the 411 on Ecko Unlimited!
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