Chico Town: Quick Links

Lots of news is popping off this week:
- Its official: we live in a "blue" country! That "red" map of the US from the 2004 elections that republicans love to flaunt is outdated like a bitch. Check out the new official maps based on chimpy's poll numbers.
- Alberto Gonzalez is unclear about how his grandparents got here. Did they arrive legally or illegaly from mexico? If word gets out they were illegal I know the Republicans will pee their pants. I don't care about legal status as long as you lead an honest and productive life. Its funny when this sort of thing happens to Bush Republicans!
- Bush was warned of the attacks before 9/11 by the NSA? So says Judy. If this is true then it could be the nail in the coffin for Mr. 29%! (Not to mention all of the OTHER warnings Bush had of 9/11 before 9/11, google it.)
- Fox News proves again they are full of racist dumb-fucks! It's the fear of a black and brown planet... call Chuck D.
- Ask a Ninja about Net Neutrality and help prevent the destruction of the internet as we know it today.
- 8 Ball and MJG help out a local candidate for congress in Tennessee. We need more artists to get the kids out to vote in November, I'm doing my part on MySpace (check out my "Top 8"), lets start an "adopt a candidate for congress" drive.
How's it going? Great links.
Have a great weekend, CT.
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