Bloggers are terrorists in Bush's America

All bloggers should know that if the government views the substantive content of your blog as "activist calls" or "deliberate misinformation campaigns," then you may be a domestic "terrorist."
Amazing isn't it? The blogs are the last source of truth and information in this world of dis-information. If they shut us out of the internet we're going to have to fire up a printing press... how were the federalist papers and the colonial pamphlets circulated? Hmmm, better get Ben Franklin on the horn to get the gang back together so we can do this revolution thing all over again.
Read more here!
Sounds like a great idea, except if they check our mail, read our emails, track the places we log online, tap our phones, and keep track of locations of our electronic transactions, it might be a bit difficult.
Maybe the new "patriots" should write a detailed report about their plans and put it on Condi's desk... then there's a good chance they'll miss it...
You ever heard of the CARNIVORE system? Its a system used to scan our emails, and some folks have sites up that jam the system because it overloads a single page with "trigger words" that the CARNIVORE system looks for. Interesting stuff to google...
Never have, but I'll check it out. It would be fun to start a bunch of blogs that were entirely composed of "trigger words" though.
Blogs are suppossed to be the federalists papers of this day and age. We are the modern day Johns, Alexanders, and Johns.
We are giving up so much.
Latino Pundit, I agree with you 100%. The internet provides us with a great opportunity to involve the average citizen in our political debates, The Bush Crime Family understands that we have that power and they'll try to label us as terrorists too... If we loose the net we're gonna have to hijack a copy machine to get our message out.
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