July 25, 2005

Sony BMG got Busted for illegally promoting garbage!

Many of us already know that Major Labels manufacture crap-o-la that just needs pay-o-la just to get heard. Well, New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (the top Democratic contender for NY Governor in the 2006 elections) stepped up and shut down Sony BMG's illegal scam. In a nutshell, Eliot Spitzer single handedly made it harder for Sony BMG to shove crap down out throats like J.Lo, Jessica Simpson, and Fatty Koo! (Really, who the fuck actually came up with a name like Fatty Koo? )

Mtv News got the scoop, check out this quote:

"Our investigation shows that, contrary to listener expectations that songs are selected for airplay based on artistic merit and popularity, airtime is often determined by undisclosed payoffs to radio stations and their employees," Spitzer said. "This [BMG settlement] is a model for breaking the pervasive influence of bribes in the industry."

Read the rest of the article to find out which radio stations were involved and how they cheated the public with fake contests and call-in campaigns. This is a victory for fans of REAL music, independent labels who don't have to compete with the deep pockets of Sony BMG, the integrity (if any) of the Music & Radio biz, and of course Eliot Spitzer's campaign for NY Governor.


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