Conservatives say: GOP unfit to run congress

Check out what Joseph Farrah from the conservative site had to say about the recent Republican pedophile scandal:
This column is going to make me very unpopular with Republicans.
I don't care. It must be said.
Following the revelations about Florida Rep. Mark Foley's sexually suggestive e-mails to a 16-year-old congressional page, I have concluded Republicans are unworthy of retaining control of the federal government.
I sincerely regret this is the case.
Also, on the conservative blog, a life-long Republican expressed his shame and disgust with the Bush Crime Family:
Folks, this is my last post on RedState. The simple fact is that for the last two years I think all of us have worked very hard, for free, to try to bolster a Republican majority that hasn't deserved our support. I've given hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours of my time, and I'm deeply ashamed of having been a part of this movement, and I think that Dave Winer of Scripting News has it right:
Here's a Democrat that gives Republicans their due. Republicans broke the law, covered up, and they're going to jail. Ultimately this will be good for the Republican Party, it'll flush out the criminals that took over the party. Any Republican that sits by and says nothing is going down with the evildoers. Maybe sometime in this century it will be safe to vote Republican again, but it sure isn't now.
And it isn't likely to be again, for me, for quite some time. This party got itself into power with hubris and it is leaving power because of its own inability to police itself. And that's about it as far as politics is concerned for me. I've enjoyed the conversations here with people who were as earnest and convinced that something wasn't rotten at the core of our party as I was. But I'm not interested in carrying their water any more.
If the legalization of torture, illegal spying on citizens, this illegal war, the overgrown federal deficit, the CIA outing and treason, the lobbyists bribing the Republicans, or any other scandal hasn't pissed you off by now, they this should be the nail in the coffin.
All of you "proud Republicans" reading this should be outrage, but if you are not, then you are as corrupt and rotten as these bastards.
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