Latin America hates Bush!
"He's not welcomed on this continent"
With Bush's approval ratings hitting an all-time low of 35% (and Vice Prez Dick "Go Fuck Yourself" Cheney sitting at a sad 19% approval rating) our neighbors down in South America are also shitting on the Bush Crime Family.

Check out these quotes from the article in The Mercury News:
President Bush and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez are the stars of this fourth Summit of the Americas ...the official theme of the event is how to fight poverty and foster democracy.
Yet ... the issue among protesters who'd gathered to denounce Bush was whether the U.S. agenda of free trade was better for Latin America than the Chavez creed of nationalized industries and pumped-up social programs.
On the streets at least, Bush is losing the argument.
Pasted signs and graffiti reading "Get out, Bush!" in Spanish and "Stop Bush" in English covered the 600,000-person city.
"Bush is presenting the world with a project of war and death," said Adolfo Perez Esquivel, an Argentine human rights activist who won the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize.
The anti-Bush frenzy is scheduled to culminate Friday, when protesters will greet the arrival of Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona, a constant Bush critic, and march through the city to the sports stadium, where Chavez is scheduled to speak shortly after noon.
In meetings Thursday, diplomats tried to finish writing the event's official declaration but butted heads over references to a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas. The United States is pushing the proposed hemisphere-wide trade pact, while countries such as Argentina and Brazil have opposed it.
Bush isn't welcomed in the USA either... so what else is new?
Oh yeah, Bush isn't welcomed on Soul Food Thursday.
Oh yeah, Brownie is a Bitch! Again Republicans have blood on thier hands...way to go!
Ok that's it.
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