Multitudes of Protests Across Colombia
By- Colombian Independent Media Center (translated by JonLuna)

This time their was much work for the inspectors of the so called Ministry of "Protection". For weeks workers, students, indigenous, & campesinos throughout Colombia had been calling for general strike on October 12. Ecopetrol, banks, the Judicial sector, ISS and health entities, ICBF, and companies in 28 departments across the country were just some of those who participated. It is believed that 500,000 workers participated in the strike as well as the teachers & professors who was forced to take a one day vacation. In the capital of Bogota, workers walked out of a bank leaving only the boss, a secretary, and the guards. It was the massive labor presence in the streets were mutually against the free trade agreement with the USA, the price raise in gasoline, general repression,and the possible reelection of President Alvaro Uribe Velez. In Bogota 200,000 people marched and even the mainstream television networks could not hide the multitude of people who were in the streets, even in the momentary clip.
In all cities across the country their were large demonstrations. The Indigenous Minga was attended by a massive human sea in the cities of Pereira and Manizales, while in Sincelejo, the indigenous and labor marches united. Throughout the Southwest of the country various mobilizations took place in cities scattered throughout the region. There was no possibility that Uribe could conceal this protest that damaged his "image" based on false ballots.
In particular were the agrarian mobilizations that took place in the departments of Cauca, Nariño, Huila, Tolima y Sur de Bolvar. In Tolima and Huila there are 25 campesinos who have been detained. In Cauca, the mobilizations to liberate the land have been brutally repressed by the armed forces and police. Regardless, brave indigenous Guambianos & Nasa as well as campesinos from Silvia, Piendama, Caldono, Corinto, y Miranda have gathered in the thousands. Out of traditional custom, the governor Chaux and the Colombian government have accused the protests of being infiltrated by the FARC as justification for the harsh repression.
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