October 09, 2009

WTF? Obama's Peace prize aint shit!

I swear the first thing that came to my mind when I read the headlines of Obama's Peace prize that it was an April fool's joke of some sort. I even had to check my calendar to make sure.

Obama's award was given to him out of pure politics. Just like the Nobel Prize in economics given to Paul Krugman (a complete moron when it come's to economics) this "peace" prize is a slap in the face to those who are truly trying to promote peace in the world.

Obama is the current Caesar, emperor of the biggest empire on earth and commander of the largest terrorist organization (the US state) known to man. On January 26th it was reported that Obama ordered an attack in Pakistan that murdered 4 children! These murders took place during the 11-day period that was used to evaluate his merits for the peace prize. How the hell do any of these actions even imply promoting peace?

Dr. King suffered all sorts of attacks, jail time, insults, death threats (and worse) before he was honored with the Nobel peace prize. I guess the Nobel committee and their prize is not worth a damn anymore!

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