Republicans love Russ Feingold (really!)

There were a few lighthearted moments and a bizarre one at the meeting in Belle Plaine.
The first questioner lauded Feingold, got on one knee, and then prayed that the senator become president. Feingold, clearly embarrassed, gently told the man, "Oh, don't do that."
Tina Mullen, 40, said she had two questions. "Are you running for president," she asked
Read the quick post on Feingold has woken up alot of Americans. He's becoming the favorite among those who treasure liberty over fear.
My mom's a Republican, and I've been telling her about Russ, and she seems to be swaying, too. She loves Jon (even went to one of his tapings back east) and I have a feeling after tonight she'll be a convert, too. How can you not like him? He stands up for what is right, even when it's not what his party wants.
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