50 Cent & Game - Blood Money

Check out this tight article posted on GuerrillaFunk.com written by Adisa Banjoko. It reiterates the point we made in the JadaKiss post a few days ago. The article gets deeper though, they explain how this beef affect Hip Hop on a larger scale. Check out the following excepts:
Hip-hop has gone from a non-violent reaction to racism, economic and cultural oppression to being a key factor in why Black women lose their sons and husbands and why children lose their fathers.
The leaders of the white corporate-run rap industry are the main culprits in the shift from the non-violent aspects of the music to the murderous ones we see today. They have turned their backs on life-affirming rap and choose to promote much of what we see and hear today on MTV, BET and on all the major radio outlets across the planet. It is indeed racism in its most insidious form.
Read it Here!
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